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1. portraiture, holding space for light and shadow #thehorizontalperspective. 2. works developed through algorithm codes sourced from nature and modern tech, filtering screens, and processed via projection. 3. moving image portrait screening, bam Brooklyn academy of music New York.
4. museum of the moving image screening. responsive conference series. 5. bts. motion tracking. staged and choreographed works via 'julery pearl' constructed female and related history and theoretics. 6. studio j/p robbins:projects 'of urgent need series' featuring wisdom on water.
7. original printmaking techniques via traditional darkroom methods + developing digital technologies, and printmaking via schools of established processing: the annenberg space for photography Los Angeles, museum c/o Berlin, the fotografiska museet Stockholm, maison particuliere centre d'art Bruxelles, multimedia art museum Moscow, nordic light international festival of photography kristiansund, st. Moritz art masters art and culture festival, and the acte2 gallery Paris, Galerie de l'aimance Casablanca, camerawork Berlin, christophe guye galerie zurich, cwc gallery Berlin, the empty quarter gallery Dubai, Flo Peters gallery Hamburg, Hamiltons gallery London, hartman gallery Barcelona, hasted kraeutler gallery New York, izzy gallery Toronto, kahmann gallery Amsterdam, noorderlicht Photogallery the Netherlands, photographers limited editions Vienna, qvale galleri Oslo, young gallery bruxelles, as well as works including drawing and mixed media for the deichtorhallen museum Haus der Photographie Hamburg, rautenstrauch-joest museum cologne. work pictured, from the expression series: on structures of silencing. 8. choreographed theoretics 'moving-image compendium' filmed for 3d and vr buildouts at the Marylin Monroe theatre New York city lee stasberg institute. 9. 'works on water' relates as the following installment to the we are water series. documentary and experimental filmworks, ionoscope, Brooklyn New York.